
We bring solutions to network and cloud platform questions.

Our specialty is solving network bottlenecks, identifying cloud platforms with security and performance monitoring, as well as content distribution solutions without the hype.

Bandwidth is not always the solution.  Intelligent networks that can prioritize traffic and provide real time alerts when thresholds are being surpassed is often a better solution—and much more secure.  Sometimes the solution is a fully-meshed Layer 3 Private IP with 6 levels of QoS.  Sometimes its leasing dark fiber and lighting it with your own wavelengths.

Cloud Platforms and Software Defined Bandwidth:  With your business relying on the cloud-where more and more of your  applications reside– your network connectivity has never been more important.  How do you estimate it’s vulnerabilities besides your carrier’s assurances.  APA can conduct a through network assessment and provide an accurate assessment of reliability, with solutions to move reliable to bulletproof.